
Below we would like to offer you a wide range of micronutrient fertilizers.

The manufacturer Agrami develops and supplies modern elements of crop production technology in the field of single and multi-component foliar fertilizers, which are distributed by Ontrade.co.uk. These products are the result of years of research, both on a micro and macro scale, which clearly confirm the significant increase in crop yields after their targeted use. As a brief example, we can mention yield increases for

• wheat at over 300 kg from 1 ha,
• barley at the level of over 200 kg from 1 ha,
• or rape at 200 kg per hectare.

Providing microelements, which occur in much smaller quantities, plays the role of catalysts of enzymatic reactions, and these are responsible for the proper course of metabolic processes taking place in plants.

Applying fertilizers of Mi series (e.g. Mizboże, Mirzepak, Mikukurydza) the weight of grain per spike in 1 ha increases by about 10% with simultaneous increase of protein level at the same level.

Proper selection of ingredients visibly affects the development of the crop, improves its condition, increases resistance to external factors such as low and high temperatures, pests and other diseases or water shortage.

Our products are superior to those available on the market due to the full balance of components, which results from years of laboratory experience. It should be noted that the amount of fertilizer components and the size of the dose of each of them in multicomponent products, especially microelements, is very important, because an incomplete balance results in the fact that, despite the presence of many components in the product, they are not fully, or often completely, absorbed by plants.

Źródło: Ocena oddziaływania nowego asortymentu żelowych nawozów dolistnych na plonowanie roślin uprawnych – Przemysł Chemiczny – Tom T. 98, nr 6 (2019) – BazTech – Yadda (icm.edu.pl)





MI6 is a liquid multi-nutrient fertiliser recommended for use in all agricultural and horticultural crops. MI6 added to water changes its colour, allowing the pH of the solution to be visually assessed using the colorimetric scale on the label. The colour of the water should become a light ray colour, corresponding to a pH value of around 5. The advanced additional properties of MI6 fertiliser: – delivers nutrients to plants faster and more efficiently, creating an optimal buffer for most tank mixes; contains magnesium which is extremely valuable for plants; – has an indicator (colorimetric index) of solution pH – in a simple and quick way, without the use of complex equipment, allows the optimum properties of the solution to be determined, giving it the characteristic light ray colour (pH 4.5-5.5); – adjuvant properties – enhances the effectiveness of the introduced active substance; – facilitates mixing, reduces the risk of chemical decomposition of plant protection products; – activator of liquid penetration into the plant; – increases plant resistance to drought and low temperature stress. MI6 mineral foliar fertiliser can be successfully applied to all agricultural and horticultural crops. 50-150 ml of MI6 fertiliser per 100 l of water.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Total nitrogen (N)3%
2Azot (N) w formie amidowej/ Nitrogen (N) in the amide form11%
3Phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅)15%
4Magnesium oxide (MgO)5%
5Sulphur trioxide (SO₃)9%

Ingredients: magnesium sulphate heptahydrate1 (CAS No. 10034-99-8), phosphoric acid1 (CAS No. 7664-38-2), sodium hexametaphosphate1 (CAS No. 10124-56-8), urea1 (CAS No. 57-13-6)

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*MI6 produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as an EC fertiliser: Type C.2.3 Fertiliser solution NP (Mg, S) 3-15 (5-9), the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

The benefits of using a water conditioning fertilizer solution:

– a source of readily available nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and sulphur for plants,
– an improvement in the quality of water for plant protection measures,
– lowering the pH of the spray liquid,
– facilitating the penetration of nutrients and active substances into the plants,
– reducing unfavourable changes and reactions in tank mixtures

Orientacyjne dawki nawozu:

Indicative dosages: 50 – 150 ml of MI6.1. fertilizer per 100 l of water.

WEIGHTNo data available

1 l, 5 l


bottle, canister



MI6.1. is a liquid foliar fertiliser containing nitrogen and phosphorus, recommended for use in agricultural and horticultural crops. MI6.1. added to water improves its properties and lowers its pH, which manifests itself as a change in colour. This can be assessed visually using the colorimetric scale on the label. The colour of the water (solution) should become light ray, which corresponds to a pH value of approximately 5. The advanced additional properties of MI6.1 fertiliser: – new formulation with excellent properties and action, – improves the properties of water used for agrochemical treatments, – solution pH indicator [colourimetric indicator], – strong buffering properties within pH 5, – improves the properties of the working liquid, – activates the penetration of the liquid into the plants, – rich source of nitrogen and phosphorus, – increases the plants’ resistance to stress. Mineral foliar fertiliser MI6.1. can be successfully applied to all agricultural and horticultural crops.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Nitrogen (N), total3%
2Nitrogen (N), amide form/ Phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅)3%
3phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅)15%

Ingredients: Phosphoric acid1 (CAS No 7664-38-2), urea1 (CAS No 10124-56-8).
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*MI6.1. produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type. C.2.3 Fertiliser solution NP 3-15, product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is designated in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

The benefits of using a water conditioning fertilizer solution:

– a source of readily available nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur for plants,
– Improved water quality for plant protection treatments,
– lowering the pH value of the applied liquid,
– facilitating penetration of nutrients and active substances into plants,
– limiting unfavourable changes and reactions of tank mixtures.

Orientacyjne dawki: 50 – 150 ml nawozu MI6.1. na 100 l wody.
WEIGHTNo data available
CAPACITYbottle, canister



NanoMI is a liquid mineral fertiliser containing silver nanoparticles that act at the plant cellular level, influencing basic physiological processes, with fungicidal and bactericidal properties, as well as fungicidal and bacteriostatic properties. NanoMI is a liquid mineral foliar fertiliser with a very high content of nano-colloidal silver of 10,000 ppm per kg of fertiliser, produced using nanotechnology. It is intended for use in the cultivation of all species of field crops, open-field and covered vegetables, fruit plants, berry and ornamental plantations. The nanoMI fertiliser improves the condition of plants, while nano-silver has the potential to reduce the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses. It contains naturally occurring ingredients and, when used according to the instructions, helps to take care of the environment. Advanced additional properties of nanoMI fertiliser: improves the condition of plants, very high concentration of nano-silver creating an environment with potential action:

  • fungicidal,
  • bactericidal,
  • virucidal.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Total nitrogen15%
2Amide nitrogen15%

Ingredients: urea1 (CAS No 57-13-6)
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*nanoMI produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type C.1.1 Nitrogen fertiliser solution, the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

Benefits of using nitrogen fertilizer with nanosilver:

• improvement of plant vigor and condition,
• beneficial effect on chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis,
• increase in protein biosynthesis,
• reduction of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria,
• increase crop yield and improve crop quality,
• improved storability of crops.

Approximate fertilizer application rates: 0.2 l per 200 l of water per 1 ha or at a concentration of 0.1%.

WEIGHT0.14 kg

100 ml, 1 l




Type C.1.1 Nitrogen fertilizer solution. EC fertilizer – liquid mineral fertilizer.

Foliar fertiliser manufactured using nanotechnology. It is designed for use in the cultivation of various agricultural, vegetable, ornamental and fruit crops. The readily available nitrogen has a highly beneficial effect on plant growth, while the high content of copper nanoparticles creates an environment capable of limiting the development of fungal and bacterial diseases. NanoMI-Cu can be used on all plantations. The components contained in the fertiliser cause intensive plant growth, increase the resistance of plants to diseases, reduce the pressure of pathogens, and make it possible to reduce the use of chemical plant protection products. The fertiliser ensures very good condition of the plants, enables obtaining high yields of very good quality. Advanced properties of the fertiliser: macronutrient and micronutrient composition and liquid formulation of the fertiliser, contains copper nanoparticles (10,000 ppm per 1 kg of fertiliser) creating an environment of potential action:

  • fungicidal,
  • bactericidal,
  • virucidal,

easy preparation of the applied liquid, very good solubility of the fertiliser and assimilation of components, adjuvant function, improves the properties of the applied liquid and the penetration of components into the plant.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Total nitrogen (N)15%
2Nitrogen (N) in amide form15%

Ingredients: urea1 (CAS No 57-13-6)
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*nanoMI-Cu produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type C.1.1 Nitrogen fertiliser solution, the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

Benefits of using nitrogen fertilizer with nanowires:

• improved plant health and nutrition, beneficial effect on photosynthesis, chlorophyll and protein biosynthesis,
• increased resistance to weather stress, e.g. low temperature, water shortage,
• reduction of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria,
• increase crop yield, improve crop quality,
• increased storability of crops.

Term / Development phaseDose [l/ha] or concentration [%]
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, after 3-4 leaves have appeared, especially in the intensive growth phase0,2 – 0,3 (0,1%)
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, after 3-4 leaves have appeared or seedlings or cuttings have taken root0,2 – 0,3 (0,1%)
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, during intensive growth phase(0,1%)
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, until flowering0,2 – 0,5 (0,1%)
1-3 treatments every 10-14 days during the fruit growth stage02 – 05 (0,1%)
1-2 treatments every 10-14 days after harvest02 – 05 (0,1%)
WEIGHTNo data available

1 l, 5 l


bottle, canister



BorMI is a mineral fertiliser designed for supplementing plants, especially those with high demand for boron, e.g. winter oilseed rape, sugar beet, broad beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, fruit trees, but also maize, potatoes and for quick elimination of deficiency symptoms of this microelement in various plants. Boron is necessary for the proper construction and functioning of plant membranes and cell walls, affects cell growth and size, is a regulator of certain plant hormones, takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, affects the process of flowering and fruiting, has a positive effect on plant health, yield and crop quality.

Advanced additional properties of BorMI fertilizer:

• high concentration of boron, small doses of fertilizer,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer and assimilability of the micronutrient,
• ease of preparation of the working liquid.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) total11%
2Boron (B) soluble in water11%

Ingredients: Boric acid1 (CAS No 10043-35-3), monoethanolamine1 (CAS No 141-43-5).
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
The *borMI produced until 15.07.2022 is designated: Type E.1.1f Suspension boron fertiliser – boroethanolamine, the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

The benefits of using a fertilizer containing boron:

• better development of the plant root system,
• Improved frost resistance and winter hardiness,
• better flowering and fruit setting,
• increased assimilation of sugars and fat,
• reduced occurrence of many diseases,
• higher crop yields and improved plant quality.

Term / Development PhaseDose [l/ha] or concentration [%]
in autumn at the 4-8 leaf stage1,0- 2,0
spring after growth resumes, beginning of shoot elongation1,0- 2,0
green compact bud stage 1,0- 2,0
before flowering, yellow closed bud stage1,0- 2,0
rosette stage1,0- 2,0
green compact bud stage1,0- 2,0
pre-flowering, yellow closed bud stage1,0- 2,0
4-8 leaf stage1,0- 1,5
leaf cupping stage of adjacent rows1,0- 2,0
intensive shoot growth stage1,0- 1,5
before flowering1,0- 1,5
developed leaf rosette after plant has taken root in the field1,0- 1,5
10-14 days after the first treatment1,0- 2,0
4-6 leaf stage0,5- 1,0
8-12 leaf stage0,5- 1,0
intensive shoot growth stage  0,5 – 1,0
before flowering 0,5-1,0
bud stage0,5- 2,0
flowering onset0,5- 2,0
end of flowering1,0- 2,0
after fruit harvest1,0- 2,0
WEIGHT14.3 kg

10 l





Foliar, mineral fertilizer containing easily-assimilable zinc with a chelating agent. High content of the microelement allows for small doses. Efficient and economical in use. Convenient and safe in transport, storage and application.

ZincMI is a fertilizer for foliar feeding of plants, especially sensitive to zinc deficiency: corn, beet, potato, legumes, fruit trees, grapevine. It should be used in order to prevent or remedy zinc deficiency in plants. Also in plantations intensively fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus and in soils freshly limed. Zinc is necessary for normal enzyme reactions, synthesis of plant hormones and vitamins, cell division and growth, regulates nitrogen metabolism, protein biosynthesis and the process of photosynthesis, is responsible for plant health. It positively influences the size of yielding organs, e.g. corn kernels, fruits. Increases the yield of plants and improves their quality.

Advanced properties of the fertilizer:

• high concentration of zinc, low doses of fertilizer,
• contains a chelating agent,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer,
• high assimilability of the micronutrient,
• easy preparation of the applied liquid.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Zinc (Zn) chelated before EDTA15%

Ingredients: Citric acid anhydrous1 (CAS No 77-92-9), zinc oxide1 (CAS No 1314-13-2).
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*ZincMI produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type E.1.7b Zinc Chelate, the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

The benefits of using a fertilizer containing zinc chelate:

• regulated hormonal balance of plants,
• Proper course of basic physiological processes,
• intensification of photosynthesis,
• increase in protein, sugars, vitamins,
• Improved plant health,
• increased yield.

Term / Development phaseDose [l/ha] or concentration [%]
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, from the stage of 4-6 leaves to the stage of intensive stem elongation0,25 – 1,0
green compact bud stage0,25 – 1,0
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, from 15-20 cm of shoot height to flowering stage0,25 – 1,0
1-2 treatments every 10-14 days at the stage of tuber formation and growth0,5- 1,0
Autumn – 1-2 treatments, every 7-10 days, after 2-3 leaves have formed0,25 – 0,5
Spring – 2-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, until the earing stage0,5 – 1,0
First treatment — after 3-4 leaves have emerged0,25 – 1,0
2-3 applications every 10-14 days from tillering to earing stage0,5- 1,0
Autumn – 1-2 treatments, every 7-10 days, after 4-6 leaves have appeared0,25 – 0,5
Spring – 1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, until flowering stage0,5- 1,0
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, from 4-6 leaves to intensive stem elongation stage0,25 – 1,0
1-3 applications every 10-14 days from the leaf rosette to flowering stage0,25 – 1,0
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, after flowering0,5- 1,0
1-3 applications every 10-14 days at intensive leaf stage0,25- 1,0
1-2 applications every 10-14 days, until flowering0,5- 2,0
1 – 2 applications every 10-14 days during fruit set growth0,5- 2,0
1-2 treatments every 10-14 days after harvesting fruit0,5- 2,0
Waga15 kg

5 l, 10 l





Liquid foliar fertilizer with high molybdenum content intended for use in agricultural, vegetable and fruit crops for rapid removal of visible and hidden symptoms of micronutrient deficiency and their physiological and production effects. MoMI is a liquid foliar fertilizer with high molybdenum content intended for use in agricultural, vegetable and fruit crops. MoMI contains as much as 100 g of molybdenum in 1 kg of the product. High concentration facilitates precise dosage, especially in case of plants sensitive to molybdenum deficiency, such as: oilseed rape, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, peas and beans (agricultural and vegetable plantations), clover, tomato, roses, peach. Molybdenum regulates nitrogen metabolism in plants. Its deficiency in plants leads to accumulation of large amounts of nitrates, which adversely affects crop quality, lower nutritional value of protein. Molybdenum also regulates phosphorus metabolism in plants. It is necessary when large amounts of fertilizers in the form of ammonium are used. The assimilability of molybdenum contained in soil to crops decreases dramatically as soil acidity increases. Molybdenum attenuates the toxic effects of aluminum ions, as well as mitigates the effects of component imbalances in plants.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Molibden (Mo)10%

Ingredients: Citric acid1 (CAS No 77-92-9), ammonium molybdate1 (CAS No 12054-85-2).
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*moMI produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type E.1.6d EC fertiliser – liquid mineral fertiliser. Molybdenum fertiliser solution., the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

Benefits of using a fertilizer containing molybdenum:

• Improved nitrogen management and protein biosynthesis,
• beneficial effect on chlorophyll synthesis,
• Increased resistance to stress and disease,
• Improved plant yield,
• optimized management of plants with phosphorus and other nutrients.

Type of cropDose per ha per treatmentNumber of treatments Application timing
cauliflower, broccoli, cabbagefrom 0.2 to 0.4 litres21st treatment 3 weeks after sowing of seedlings
seedlingsfrom 0.1 to 0.2 litres /100 litres of water1week before planting water or spray
Beans, peas0.4 litres1before starting to flowering
rapefrom 0.2 to 0.4 litres21st treatment in autumn, 2nd treatment in spring after the start of the vegetation
other vegetables and agricultural cropsfrom 0.05 to 0.4 litres1 – 3during the period of intensive growth
WEIGHTNo data available

1 l, 10 l


bottle, canister



CalciumMI nAgCu – fertilizer designed for foliar feeding of agricultural and horticultural plants, especially in conditions of deficiency or difficulties in calcium uptake from soil and high pressure of diseases. Calcium is essential for intensive plant growing technologies and under stress conditions. It guarantees proper structure and functioning of cell walls and membranes. It participates in the regulation of water and mineral metabolism, as well as transport in the plant. Increases the tolerance of plants to environmental stresses. It is necessary for proper growth of roots and aboveground parts. It stimulates rooting, flowering and fruiting of plants. Calcium, especially nanosilver and copper can limit the development of diseases. They condition high yields, improve their storability, especially of fruits, vegetables and root crops.

Properties of the fertilizer:

• very high concentration of calcium,
• presence of nano-silver and nano-copper in the product,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer
• high assimilability of the component,
• adjuvant in chemical composition,
• small doses of fertilizer, economical in use,
• easy to prepare the spray.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Calcium oxide (CaO)18,5%

Ingredients: calcium chloride hexahydrate1 (CAS No 10043-52-4).
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*CalciumMInAgCu produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type D.2 Calcium chloride solution, the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

The benefits of calcium fertilizer with nano silver and nano copper:

• regulation of plant water balance,
• increase resistance to stress, e.g. water shortage
• stimulation of root growth, flowering and fruiting,
• Improved plant health,
• Increased resistance to tissue damage,
• better yielding
• improved storability of crops, especially vegetables and fruits.

Term / Development phaseDose [l/ha] or concentration [%]
Autumn – after 3-4 leaves have appeared1,0 – 2,0
Spring – 1-2 treatments every 10-14 days during intensive growth phase1,0 – 2,0
1-3 treatments, every 10-1 4 days, after 3-4 leaves have appeared1,0 – 2,0
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, during intensive growth phase1,0 – 2,0
1-2 applications every 10.1-4 days during fruit growth and ripening1,0 – 3,0
WEIGHTNo data available

5 l, 10 l


kanister/ canister



Foliar fertilizer for use in agricultural, vegetable and fruit crops. A source of easily accessible micro-nutrients. Removes latent and visible deficiency symptoms of basic micronutrients, as well as cobalt and silicon. Proper proportion of microelements guarantees: good macroelement utilization, stimulation of plant growth and development, reduced response to water and thermal stress, increased plant resistance to diseases and pests, regeneration of damaged plants, high yield, good quality crops.
MicroMI should be used on every agricultural and vegetable plantation and in orchards. On low-resource soils, it prevents micronutrient deficiencies in plants. On highly productive plantations, intensively fertilized with NPK, it is a source of easily accessible microelements. They regulate physiological processes and increase plant yield, have a positive effect on crop quality. Copper and iron are essential for chlorophyll biosynthesis, increase the efficiency of photosynthesis. Manganese regulates respiration, photosynthesis and transformation of organic compounds. Molybdenum and cobalt are responsible for nitrogen management.Zinc participates in phytohormone management and boron in flowering and fruiting of plants. Silicon strengthens cell walls, increases resistance to lodging, disease and abiotic stress.

Advanced fertilizer properties:

• gel formulation,
• EDTA chelated form of Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Co,
• adjuvant function, improved properties of the applied liquid and enhanced penetration of components into the plant,
• high concentration of components, small doses of fertilizer,
• easy preparation of the applied liquid,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer and good assimilability of ingredients,
• contains silicon (SiO2 ).

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) soluble in water1,0%
2Copper (Cu) soluble in water1,0%
3Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA0,9%
4Iron (Fe) soluble in water1,5%
5Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA1,5%
6Manganese (Mn) soluble in water2,0%
7Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA0,7%
8Molybdenum (Mo) soluble in water0,07%
9Zinc (Zn) soluble in water1,5%
10Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA1,5%

Ingredients: disodium stannate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), monoethanolamine1 (CAS No. 141-43-5), ferrous sulphate hydrate1 (CAS No. 7782-63-0), zinc sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No. 7446-20-0), manganese sulphate monohydrate1 (CAS No. 10034-96-5)
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*microMI produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type E.2.4 EC fertiliser – liquid mineral fertiliser. Liquid mixture of micronutrients, product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

Benefits of the seven essential micronutrients and silicon in the fertilizer:

• preventing and correcting micronutrient deficiencies in plants,
• Improving the efficiency of the basic soil fertilization,
• increase resistance to low temperature, water deficiency,
• improve plant vigour, condition and health,
• increased resistance of plants to tissue damage and lodging,
• increase in plant yield,
• improved crop quality.

Term / Development phaseDose [l/ha] or concentration [%]
Autumn – 1-2 treatments, every 7-10 days, after 2-3 leaves have appeared0,25 – 0,5
Spring – 2-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, until the earing stage0,5- 1,0
The first treatment – after 3-4 leaves have appeared0,25 – 0,5
2-3 treatments every 10-14 days from tillering to earing stage0,5- 1,0
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, from the stage of 4-6 leaves to the stage of intensive stem elongation0,25 – 1,0
1-3 applications every 10-14 days from 4-6 leaves stage to intensive root growth stage0,25 – 1,0
1-2 treatments every 10-14 days from 15-20 cm of shoot height to flowering stage0,25 – 1,0
1-2 treatments every 10-14 days at the stage of tuber formation and growth0,5 – 1,0
Autumn – 1-2 treatments, every 7-10 days, after 4-6 leaves have appeared0,25 – 0,5
Spring – 1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, until flowering stage0,5- 1,0
1-3 applications every 10-14 days from 4-6 leaf stage to intensive stem elongation stage0,25 – 1,0
1-3 applications every 10-14 days from leaf rosette to flowering stage0,25 – 1,0
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, after flowering0,5 – 1,0
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, at the stage of intensive leaf growth0,25 – 1,0
1-2 applications every 10-14 days, until flowering0,5 – 2,0
1 – 2 applications every 10-14 days during fruit set growth0,5 – 2,0

5 l, 10 l





Foliar fertilizer for use in agricultural, vegetable and fruit crops. Proper proportion of easily accessible macro- and microelements guarantees: stimulation of plant growth and development, reduced response to water and thermal stress, increased resistance of plants to diseases and pests, regeneration of damaged plants, high yield, good quality crops.

EnergyMIx should be used on every agricultural, vegetable and orchard plantation, especially under conditions of difficult root nutrition. On high yielding plantations, intensively fertilized with soil, it is an additional source of all necessary macro- and microelements in proper proportion for plants. It alleviates the effects of adverse effects on plants: low and high temperatures, water deficiency and excess, occurrence of diseases and pests, intensive chemical plant protection. Nitrogen and other macronutrients intensify plant growth, microelements regulate physiological processes. The fertilizer allows to obtain high yields of very good quality.

Advanced properties of the fertilizer:

• gel formulation,
• EDTA chelated form of Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Co,
• adjuvant function, improved properties of the applied liquid and enhanced penetration of components into the plant,
• high concentration of components, small doses of fertilizer,
• easy preparation of the applied liquid,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer and good assimilability of ingredients,
• contains silicon (SiO2 ) and cobalt (Co).

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Total nitrogen (N), % (m/m)
Nitrogen (N) in nitrate form
Nitrogen (N) in the amide form
2Phosphorus pentoxide (P,O,) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate ammonium citrate and water10%
3Phosphorus pentoxide (PO,) soluble in water10%
4Potassium oxide (K “O) soluble in water12%
5Sulphur trioxide (SO,) soluble in water6%
6Boron (B) soluble in water0,085%
7Copper (Cu) soluble in water0,080%
8Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA0,054%
9Iron (Fe) soluble in water0,130%
10Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA0,130%
11Manganese (Mn) soluble in water0,160%
12Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA0,080%
13Molybdenum (Mo) soluble in water0,004%
14Zinc (Zn) soluble in water0,130%
15Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA0,130%
16Biuret valuemax. 0,247%

Ingredients: urea1 (CAS No. 57-13-6), monopotassium phosphate1 (CAS No. 7778-77-0), potassium nitrate1 (CAS No. 7757-79-1)
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.
*energyMIx produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser: Type C.2.3 Suspension fertiliser NPK S 11,10, 12(6), with B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

Benefits of NPK (S) fertilizer, 7 essential micronutrients and silicon:

• prevention of macro- and micronutrient deficiencies in plants,
• quick elimination of nutrient deficiencies and their effects,
• Improved efficiency of basic soil fertilisation,
• reduction of top dressing,
• increasing the resistance of plants to weather stress,
• improving the condition and health of plants,
• quick recovery of plants after damage (temperature, hail, pests, diseases, plant protection products),
• higher yields,
• better crop quality.

Term / Development phase Dose [l/ha] or
concentration [%]
Autumn – 1-2 treatments, every 7-10 days, after 2-3 leaves have appeared 1-2
Spring – 2-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, until the earing stage 1-3
The first treatment – after 3-4 leaves have appeared 1-2
2-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, from tillering to earing stage 1-3
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, from 4-6 leaf stage to intensive shoot elongation stage 1-3
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, from 4-6 leaves stage to intensive root growth stage 1-3
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, from 15-20 cm of shoot height to flowering stage 1-2
1-2 treatments every 10-14 days at the stage of tuber formation and growth 1-3
Autumn – 1-2 treatments, every 7-10 days, after 4-6 leaves have appeared 1-2
Spring – 1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, until flowering stage 1-3
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, from 4-6 leaves to intensive stem elongation stage 1-2
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, from the leaf rosette to flowering stage 1-2
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, after flowering 1-3
1-3 treatments, every 10-14 days, during intensive leaf stage 1-3
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, until flowering 1-3
1-2 treatments every 10-14 days during the fruit growth phase 1-3
WEIGHT14.1 kg

5 l, 10 l





Fertilizer for foliar application in winter and spring crops. A source of easily accessible microelements and magnesium and sulphur. Particularly rich in copper and manganese, the key micronutrients in mineral nutrition of cereals. Proper proportion of other micronutrients is a guarantee of good macroelement use, stimulation of plant growth and development as well as high and high quality crops. Silicon strengthens the stem, reduces lodging and infections.

MI ZBOŻE should be applied on each plantation of winter and spring cereals. It removes hidden and visible symptoms of plant nutrient deficiencies. On intensively fertilized fields, NPK is a source of seven basic micronutrients, plus magnesium and sulfur. Magnesium, copper and iron are essential for chlorophyll biosynthesis and increase the efficiency of photosynthesis. Sulphur and molybdenum improve nitrogen utilization, have a positive effect on protein content in grain. MI CEREAL contains silicon, which facilitates the uptake of nutrients, especially phosphorus. It strengthens cell walls, increases resistance to lodging, diseases and abiotic stress.

Advanced fertilizer properties:

• unique gel formulation,
• easy transition to liquid form,
• contains a chelating agent,
• high concentration of ingredients, small doses of fertilizer,
• easy preparation of the applied liquid,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer and assimilability of components,
• contains silicon (SiO2).

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) soluble in water0,25%
2Copper (Cu) soluble in water1,5%
3Iron (Fe) soluble in water2,0%
4Manganese (Mn) soluble in water2,5%
5Molybdenum (Mo) soluble in water0,03%
6Zinc (Zn) soluble in water2,5%

Also contains: magnesium, sulphur, silicon
Ingredients: zinc sulphate heptahydrate1 (CAS No 7446-20-0), iron sulphate heptahydrate1 (CAS No 7782-63-0), manganese sulphate monohydrate1 (CAS No 10034-96-5), copper sulphate pentahydrate1 (CAS No 7758-99-8), disodium stannate1 (CAS No 6381-92-6),magnesium sulphate heptahydrate1 (CAS No 10034-99-8),
Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*MIbeans produced until 15.07.2022 are designated as EC fertiliser: Type E.2.4.1 Liquid mixture of micronutrients: boron (B) (hydrogen cation), copper (Cu) (sulphate), iron (Fe) (sulphate), manganese (Mn) (sulphate), molybdenum (Mo) (oxocomplex), zinc (Zn) (sulphate), the product produced from 16.07.2022 onwards is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

The benefits of using a mineral fertilizer with 6 micronutrients, silicon and added macronutrients:

• prevention of magnesium, sulphur and micronutrient deficiencies, mainly in cereal plants,
• quick remedy of deficiencies of these components during the vegetation period of cereals and their consequences,
• Possibility of supplementing soil fertilization,
• improving the efficiency of basic fertilization, mainly with nitrogen,
• increasing the resistance of plants to low temperatures, water deficiency, lodging,
• improving vigour, condition and health of plants,
• increase in yield,
• increased protein content in grain.

Term / Development phaseDose [l/ha] or
concentration [%]
Autumn – 1-2 treatments, every 7-10 days, after 2-3 leaves have appeared0,5-1,0
Spring – 2-3 treatments every 10-14 days until the earing stage0,5-1,5
The first treatment – after 3-4 leaves have emerged0,5-1,0
2-3 treatments every 10-14 days from tillering to earing stage0,5-1,5
WEIGHT14.4 kg

MI kukurydza


Fertilizer for foliar application in maize, especially in the early period of vegetation. Particularly rich in zinc, a key micronutrient in mineral nutrition for maize, as well as in easily available phosphorus for plants. It contains sulphur and silicon, increases the resistance of plants to pathogens and unfavorable habitat conditions. A proper proportion of micronutrients is a guarantee of good utilization of macronutrients, stimulation of plant growth and development as well as high and good quality yields.

MI KUKURYDZA should be used in all maize plantations, especially at low temperatures, in conditions of lack of water in soil and intensively fertilized with NPK. It stimulates the root system development, eliminates the deficiency of microelements, mainly zinc, but also phosphorus and sulphur. Zinc regulates hormonal economy, the process of photosynthesis, protein biosynthesis, affects the health of plants.

Molybdenum and sulphur improve the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization. It contains silicon, which has a beneficial effect on the uptake of nutrients, especially phosphorus. Strengthens cell walls, increases resistance to diseases and abiotic stress.

Advanced fertilizer properties:

• gel formulation,
• contains a chelating agent,
• high concentration of components, small doses of fertilizer,
• easy preparation of the applied liquid,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer and ingredients assimilability,
• contains silicon (SiO2).

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) soluble in water0,25%
2Copper (Cu) soluble in water1,5%
3Iron (Fe) soluble in water1,0%
4Manganese (Mn) soluble in water1,0%
5Molybdenum (Mo) soluble in water0,05%
6Zinc (Zn) soluble in water2,0%

Also contains: phosphorus, sulphur, silicon

Ingredients: zinc sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No 7446-20-0), copper sulphate five-hydrate1 (CAS No 7758-99-8), trisodium citrate1 (CAS No 6132-04-3), iron sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No 7782-63-0), disodium stannate1 (CAS No 6381-92-6)

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*Microcorn produced until 15.07.2022 is designated as EC fertiliser, E.2 .4.1 Liquid mixture of micro-nutrients: boron (B) (hydrogen cation), copper (Cu) (sulphate), iron (Fe) (sulphate), manganese (Mn) (sulphate), molybdenum (Mo) (oxocomplex), zinc (Zn) (sulphate), product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

Benefits of a mineral fertilizer with 6 micronutrients, silicon and added phosphorus:

• prevention of phosphorus and micronutrient deficiencies, mainly in maize,
• quick elimination of deficiencies of these components, especially in the initial period of vegetation,
• possibility of complementing soil fertilization,
• improving the efficiency of basic fertilization, mainly with nitrogen,
• increasing the resistance of plants to low temperatures and water shortages,
• improving vigour, condition and health of plants,
• increase crop yield and improve crop quality.

Term / Development phaseDose [l/ha]
first treatment – after 3-4 leaves have appeared0,5 – 1,0
1-2 treatments, every 10-14 days, until the intensive shoot elongation stage0,5 – 1,5


12.9 kg


10 l





Fertilizer for foliar application in winter oilseed rape and other brassica crops. MI RZEPAK is a mineral fertilizer designed for supplementing plants on plantations with high yield potential, intensively fertilized with NPK and for quick removal of symptoms of micronutrient deficiency. It contains a lot of boron – the most important micronutrient for cabbage plants. Sulphur, magnesium and molybdenum increase the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilization and the remaining micronutrients in the right proportion positively affect the growth, winter hardiness and health of plants.

Advanced additional properties of fertilizer MI RZEPAK:

• unique gel formulation,
• high concentration of ingredients, small doses of fertilizer,
• very good solubility of the fertilizer and assimilability of components,
• easy preparation of working liquid.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) total2,2%
2Copper (Cu) soluble in water0,8%
3Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA0,8%
4Iron (Fe) soluble in water1,0%
5Total iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA1,0%
6Manganese (Mn) soluble in water1,9%
7Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA1,9%
8Molybdenum (Mo) total0,02%
9Zinc (Zn) soluble in water0,7%
10Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA0,7%

Also contains: magnesium, sulphur

Ingredients: citric acid anhydrous1 (CAS No 77-92-9), boric acid1 (CAS No 10043-35-3), manganese sulphate monohydrate1 (CAS No 10034-96-5)

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*Manganese produced until 15.07.2022 is labelled as EC fertiliser, Type E.2.4.1 EC fertiliser – liquid mineral fertiliser, product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009

The benefits of using a mineral fertilizer with 6 micronutrients and added macronutrients:

• prevention of magnesium, sulphur and micronutrient deficiencies, mainly in brassica plants,
• Quickly eliminates deficiencies of these components and their effects,
• Improving the efficiency of soil fertilization, mainly with nitrogen,
• increasing the resistance of plants to low temperatures and water deficiency,
• improving the condition and health of plants,
• increase in yield,
• increased fat content in seeds.

Term / Development phaseDose [l/ha] or
concentration [%]
in autumn at leaf stage 4-80.5 – 1,5
spring after resumption of vegetation, beginning of shoot elongation0.5 – 1,5
green compact bud stage0.5 – 1,5
before flowering, yellow closed bud stage0.5 – 1,5
rosette stage0.5 – 1,5
green compact bud stage0.5 – 1,5
pre-flowering, yellow closed bud stage0.5 – 1,5
WEIGHT13.5 kg

10 l



AGRIPOWER bobowate


AGRIPOWER Fabaceae should be used on every faba bean plantation. Cobalt and molybdenum affect nitrogen management, including plant symbiosis with atmospheric nitrogen-fixing papillary bacteria. The presence of potassium and magnesium positively influences the structure and physiological processes of shoots and plant roots. Magnesium, copper and iron are essential for the biosynthesis of chlorophyll, increase the efficiency of photosynthesis. Sulphur, copper, zinc and silicon increase resistance to pathogens and unfavourable habitat conditions.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) total1%
2Total cobalt (Co)0,06%
3Cobalt (Co) chelated by EDTA0,05%
4Copper (Cu) total1,2%
5Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA1,2%
6Iron (Fe) total2,2%
7Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA2,1%
8Manganese (Mn) total2,0%
9Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA1,9%
10Molybdenum (Mo) total0,09%
11Zinc (Zn) total2,4%
12Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA2,0%

Ingredients: disodium stannate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), magnesium sulphate anhydrous1 (CAS No. 7487-88-9), iron sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No. 7757-79-1), zinc sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No. 7446-20-0), boric acid1 (CAS No. 10043-35-3), potassium bicarbonate1 (CAS No. 298-14-6), manganese sulphate1 (CAS No. 100034-96-5),

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*AGRIPOWER Beavovate produced until 15.07.2022 is labelled as EC fertiliser, product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009




5 kg

AGRIPOWER kukurydza


AGRIPOWER Maize is intended for use on all maize plantations, especially at low temperatures, under conditions of lack or periodical water deficiency in soil and intensively fertilized with NPK. It stimulates the growth and development of the root system, eliminates deficiencies of microelements, mainly zinc, and is a source of potassium, magnesium and sulphur. Zinc regulates hormonal economy, the process of photosynthesis, protein biosynthesis, affects the health of plants. Molybdenum, magnesium and sulphur improve the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization. It contains silicon, which has a beneficial effect on the uptake of nutrients, especially phosphorus. It strengthens cell walls, increases resistance of plants to diseases and abiotic stress.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) total0,25%
2Copper (Cu) total1,3%
3Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA1,3%
4Iron (Fe) total2,2%
5Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA2,2%
6Manganese (Mn) total2,0%
7Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA2,0%
8Molybdenum (Mo) total0,05%
9Zinc (Zn) total3,2%
10Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA2,9%

Ingredients: disodium stannate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), magnesium sulphate anhydrous1 (CAS No. 7487-88-9), zinc sulphate seventhhydrate1 (CAS No. 7446-20-0), manganese sulphate1 (CAS No. 100034-96-5).

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*AGRIPOWER Maize produced until 15.07.2022 is labelled as EC fertiliser, product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009




5 kg



AGRIPOWER Micro is intended for use on every agricultural, vegetable and orchard plantation. On low-resource soils, it prevents deficiencies of micro-elements in plants. On high-production plantations, intensively fertilized with NPK, it is a source of easily accessible microelements. They regulate physiological processes and increase plant yield, have a positive effect on crop quality. Copper and iron are essential for chlorophyll biosynthesis, increase the efficiency of photosynthesis. Manganese regulates respiration, photosynthesis and transformation of organic compounds. Molybdenum and cobalt are responsible for nitrogen management, including the activity of papillary bacteria. Zinc participates in phytohormone management and boron in flowering and fruiting of plants. Silicon strengthens cell walls, increases resistance to lodging, diseases and abiotic stress.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) total0,5%
2Total cobalt (Co)0,05%
3 Cobalt (Co) chelated by EDTA0,05%
4Copper (Cu) total1,5%
5Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA1,5%
6Iron (Fe) total2,7%
7Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA2,7%
8Manganese (Mn) total2,0%
9Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA1,9%
10Molybdenum (Mo) total0,04%
11 Zinc (Zn) total2,0%
12Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA1,8%

Ingredients: Disodium stannate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), magnesium sulphate anhydrous1 (CAS No. 7487-88-9), iron sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No. 7757-79-1), copper sulphate five-hydrate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), zinc sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No. 7446-20-0), manganese sulphate1 (CAS No. 100034-96-5), potassium bicarbonate1 (CAS No. 298-14-6)

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*AGRIPOWER Micro produced until 15.07.2022 is labelled as EC fertiliser, product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009


5 kg





AGRIPOWER NPK+Micro is intended for use on every agricultural and vegetable plantation and in orchards, especially in conditions of difficult root nutrition. On highly productive plantations, intensively fertilized with soil, it is an additional source of all necessary macro- and microelements in proper proportion for plants. It alleviates the effects of adverse effects on plants: low and high temperatures, water deficiency and excess, occurrence of diseases and pests, intensive chemical plant protection. Nitrogen and other macronutrients intensify plant growth, microelements regulate physiological processes. This fertilizer allows to obtain high yields of very good quality.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Nitrogen (N) Nitrate1,9%
2Amide nitrogen12,8%
3Total nitrogen (N)14,7%
4Water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)15,0%
5Potassium oxide (K2O) soluble in water15,1%
6Magnesium oxide (MgO)6,8%
7Sulfur trioxide (SO3)13,0%
8Boron (B) total0,039%
9Total cobalt (Co)0,003%
10Cobalt (Co) chelated by EDTA0,003%
11Copper (Cu) total0,110%
12Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA0,110%
13Iron (Fe) total0,250%
14Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA0,250%
15Manganese (Mn) total0,200%
16Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA0,200%
17Molybdenum (Mo) total0,003%
18Zinc (Zn) total0,150%
19Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA0,150%

Ingredients: monopotassium phosphate1 (CAS No. 7778-77-0), urea1 (CAS No. 57-13-6), magnesium sulphate anhydrous1 (CAS No. 7487-88-9), potassium nitrate1 (CAS No. 7757-79-1)

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*AGRIPOWER NPK + Micro produced until 15.07.2022 is labelled as EC fertiliser, product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009.




5 kg



AGRIPOWER Oleiste is a mineral fertiliser designed for feeding plants in plantations with high yield potential, intensively fertilised with NPK and for quick correction of micronutrient deficiencies. It contains a lot of boron – the most important micronutrient for oilseed crops, brassicas and beet. Molybdenum, sulphur and magnesium increase the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization. Micronutrients in the right proportion positively affect the growth, health and yield of plants. Silicon strengthens cell walls, increases plant resistance to diseases, abiotic stress, including thermal stress, and improves crop quality.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) total2,3%
2Copper (Cu) total1,3%
3Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA1,3%
4Iron (Fe) total2,2%
5Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA2,1%
6Manganese (Mn) total2,1%
7Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA2,0%
8Molybdenum (Mo) total0,09%
9Zinc (Zn) total1,7%
10Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA1,6%

Ingredients: disodium stannate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), magnesium sulphate anhydrous1 (CAS No. 7487-88-9), boric acid1 (CAS No. 10043-35-3), ferrous sulphate heptahydrate1 (CAS No. 7757-79-1), zinc sulphate heptahydrate1 (CAS No. 7446-20-0), manganese sulphate1 (CAS No. 100034-96-5), potassium bicarbonate1 (CAS No. 298-14-6)

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*AGRIPOWER Oily produced until 15.07.2022 is labelled as EC fertiliser, product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009




5 kg



AGRIPOWER Zboże is intended for fertilising winter and spring cereals. A source of easily assimilable, well-balanced microelements with added silicon, potassium, magnesium and sulphur. Proper proportion of microelements is a guarantee of good macroelement use, stimulation of plant growth and development as well as high and good quality crops. Rich in copper and manganese, the most important microelements in mineral nutrition of cereals, as well as iron and zinc. Silicon strengthens the stem, reduces lodging and plant infections. Schelation of copper, iron, manganese and zinc and the presence of a wetting agent in the chemical formulation improve foliar application. Gelling additive prolongs the retention of fertilizer on the leaf, increases the assimilability of fertilizer components and the effectiveness of their action.

Nutrient content: % m/m

1Boron (B) total0,25%
2Copper (Cu) total1,5%
3Copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA1,5%
4Iron (Fe) total2,0%
5Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA2,0%
6Manganese (Mn) total1,9%
7Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA1,9%
8Molybdenum (Mo) total0,04%
9Zinc (Zn) total2,2%
10Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA2,1%

Ingredients: Disodium stannate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), magnesium sulphate anhydrous1 (CAS No. 7487-88-9), iron sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No. 7757-79-1), zinc sulphate seven-hydrate1 (CAS No. 7446-20-0), copper sulphate pentahydrate1 (CAS No. 6381-92-6), manganese sulphate1 (CAS No. 100034-96-5), potassium bicarbonate1 (CAS No. 298-14-6)

Where 1: CMC 1: Primary raw materials and mixtures.

*AGRIPOWER Cereal produced until 15.07.2022 is labelled as EC fertiliser, product produced from 16.07.2022 is labelled according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009




5 kg